User Prev Resp

define(['questAPI'], function(Quest){ var API = new Quest(); /** * Questions **/ API.addQuestionsSet('basicSelect', { type: 'selectOne', autoSubmit:true, numericValues:true, required:true, errorMsg: { required: "Please select an answer, or click 'decline to answer'" }, help: '<%= pagesMeta.number < 3 %>', helpText: 'Selecting an answer once colors it blue.<br/>You can change your answer by selecting another option.<br/>To confirm, click the selected (blue) button a second time.' }); //Set the value of each response, to use it in the next question. API.addQuestionsSet('selectGroup', [{ inherit: 'basicSelect', name:'selectGroup', stem:'Please choose, who would you prefer to rate now?', answers : [ {text:'Black people', value:'Black people'}, {text:'White people', value:'White people'} ] }]); //The name of the group in this question is the response from the previous question. API.addQuestionsSet('groupLike', [{ inherit: 'basicSelect', name:'groupLike', stem:'How much do you like <%=current.questions.selectGroup.response%>?', answers : ['Extremely dislike', 'Moderately dislike', 'Slightly disklike', 'Slightly like', 'Moderaltey like', 'Extremely like'] }]); // ### Pages API.addPagesSet('basicPage', { progressBar: '<%= pagesMeta.number %> out of 2', headerStyle : {'font-size':'1em'}, v1style:2, decline:true, numbered: false }); // ### Sequence API.addSequence( [ {inherit :'basicPage', questions:{inherit:'selectGroup'}}, {inherit :'basicPage', questions:{inherit:'groupLike'}} ]); /** Return the script to piquest's god, or something of that sort. **/ return API.script; });

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