Agreement scale

define(['questAPI'], function(Quest){ var API = new Quest(); // ### Questions API.addQuestionsSet('basicSelect', { type: 'selectOne', autoSubmit:true, numericValues:true, required:true, errorMsg: { required: "Please select an answer, or click 'decline to answer'" }, answers : ['Strongly disagree', 'Moderately disagree', 'Slightly disagree', 'Neutral', 'Slightly agree', 'Moderately agree', 'Strongly agree'], help: '<%= pagesMeta.number < 3 %>', helpText: 'Selecting an answer once colors it blue.<br/>You can change your answer by selecting another option.<br/>To confirm, click the selected (blue) button a second time.' }); //Define the question texts. API.addQuestionsSet('nfc', [ { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_c1', stem : "I do not usually consult many different opinions before forming my own view." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_c2', stem : "I feel irritated when one person disagrees with what everyone else in a group believes." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_d1', stem : "When I have made a decision, I feel relieved." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_a1', stem : "I feel uncomfortable when I don’t understand the reason why an event occurred in my life." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_d2', stem : "When I am confronted with a problem, I’m dying to reach a solution very quickly." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_d3', stem : "I would quickly become impatient and irritated if I would not find a solution to a problem immediately." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_c3', stem : "I dislike questions which could be answered in many different ways." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_a2', stem : "I dislike it when a person’s statement could mean many different things." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_p1', stem : "I don’t like to be with people who are capable of unexpected actions." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_a3', stem : "I don’t like situations that are uncertain." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_o1', stem : "I find that establishing a consistent routine enables me to enjoy life more." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_o2', stem : "I find that a well ordered life with regular hours suits my temperament." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_p2', stem : "I don’t like to go into a situation without knowing what I can expect from it." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_p3', stem : "I dislike unpredictable situations." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'nfc_o3', stem : "I enjoy having a clear and structured mode of life." } ]); // ### Pages API.addPagesSet('basicPage', { progressBar: '<%= pagesMeta.number %> out of 16', header: 'Please rate your agreement with the following statement', headerStyle : {'font-size':'1em'}, questions : {inherit:{set:'nfc', type:'exRandom'}}, //One question in the page, selected randomly (exhaustive) v1style:2, decline:true, numbered: false }); // ### Sequence API.addSequence( [ //Inherit the page 16 times. The page will inherit the nfc questions 16 times, thus presenting all 16 statements in random order. { mixer : 'repeat', times : 16, data : [ {inherit : 'basicPage'} ] } ]); /** Return the script to piquest's god, or something of that sort. **/ return API.script; });

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