Body Awareness

define(['questAPI'], function(Quest){ var API = new Quest(); // ### Questions // Create the generic question template: // * `autoSubmit`: submit when an answer is clicked twice. // * `answers`: the text for all answers (in our case only the questions change...) // * `help`: add help text (only for the first three questions presented). API.addQuestionsSet('basicSelect', { type: 'selectOne', autoSubmit:true, numericValues:true, answers: [ "1- Not at all true about me", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7 - Very true about me" ], help: '<%= pagesMeta.number < 3 %>', helpText: 'Selecting an answer once colors it blue.<br/>' + 'You can change your answer by selecting another option.<br/>' + 'To confirm, click the selected (blue) button a second time.' }); // Create a set with all the questions that we are going to use. // Each questions `inherit`s our *basicSelect*, sets a `name` and sets the questions text (`stem`). API.addQuestionsSet('baQuestions', [ { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba1', stem : "I notice differences in the way my body reacts to various foods." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba2', stem : "I can always tell when I bump myself whether or not it will become a bruise." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba3', stem : "I always know when I've exerted myself to the point where I'll be sore the next day." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba4', stem : "I'm always aware of changes in my energy level when I eat certain foods." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba5', stem : "I know in advance when I'm getting the flu." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba6', stem : "I know I'm running a fever without taking my temperature." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba7', stem : "I can distinguish between tiredness because of hunger and tiredness because of lack of sleep." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba8', stem : "I can accurately predict what time of day lack of sleep will catch up with me." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba9', stem : "I am aware of a cycle in my activity level throughout the day." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba10', stem : "I <b>don't</b> notice seasonal rhythms and cycles in the way my body functions." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba11', stem : "As soon as I wake up in the morning I know how much energy I'll have during the day." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba12', stem : "I can tell when I go to bed how well I will sleep that night." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba13', stem : "I notice distinct body reactions when I am fatigued." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba14', stem : "I notice specific body responses to changes in the weather." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba15', stem : "I can predict how much sleep I will need at night in order to wake up refreshed." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba16', stem : "When my exercise habits change, I can predict very accurately how that will affect my energy level." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba17', stem : "There seems to be a best time for me to go to sleep at night." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ba18', stem : "I notice specific bodily reactions to being overhungry." } ]); // ### Pages // Create the generic pages template: // * `decline`: allow participants to decline answering // * `noSubmit`: do not display the submit button (we rely on `autoSubmit` for submitting) API.addPagesSet('basicPage', { progressBar: '<%= pagesMeta.number %> out of 18', header: 'Please rate your agreement with the following statement', headerStyle : {'font-size':'1em'}, questions : {inherit:{set:'baQuestions', type:'exRandom'}}, decline:true, noSubmit:true }); // ### Sequence // We use a simple mixer here to repeat a simple page that inherits from the basicPage. // The basic page randomly inherits a question, therfore we get a different question for every page. // We use exRandom in the basicPage page so that questions don't randomly appear more than once. API.addSequence([ { mixer : 'repeat', times : 18, data : [ {inherit : 'basicPage'} ] } ]); // Return the script to piquest's god, or something of that sort. return API.script; });

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