Live Dependency

define(['questAPI'], function(Quest){ var API = new Quest(); // ### Questions API.addQuestionsSet('basicSelect', { type: 'selectOne', autoSubmit:true, numericValues:true, required:true, errorMsg: { required: "Please select an answer, or click 'decline to answer'" } }); API.addQuestionsSet({ base: [{ inherit: 'basicSelect', name:'base', stem:'Please select', answers : ['Men', 'Women', 'Other'] }], open: [{ type: 'text', name:'other', stem:'How do you mean other?' }] }); // ### Pages API.addPagesSet('basicPage', { progressBar: '<%= pagesMeta.number %> out of 3', headerStyle : {'font-size':'1em'}, v1style:2, decline:true, numbered: false }); // ### Sequence API.addSequence( [ { inherit :'basicPage', questions:[ // always show this question {inherit:'base'}, // this question should be shown only if "other was selected" { remix: true, // remix:true is neccessary so that the mixer is re-evaluated each time that the responses change mixer:'branch', conditions: [ {compare: 3, to: 'current.questions.base.response'} ], data: [ {inherit:'open'} ] } ]} ]); /** Return the script to piquest's god, or something of that sort. **/ return API.script; });

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