
Touch devices

There are several changes required for support of touch devices. This tutorial will show you how to fully support them in you tasks.

// # Touch devices // There are several changes required for support of touch devices. // This tutorial will show you how to fully support them in you tasks. define(['pipAPI'], function(APIconstructor) { var API = new APIconstructor(); API.addSequence([ { // ##### touch input // The input objects support a meta property: `touch`. // If touch is undefined then this input will always be used. // If it is set to true then the input will be used only in touch devices. // If it is set to false then the input will be used only in non touch devices. input: [ // This input will be available on touch devices too (mostly, it won't be available for lack of keyboard though) {handle:'end', on:'space'}, // But these will be available only on touch devices. // There are several touch targeted input shortcuts that you can use (they work for non touch devices too though). // These are `rightTouch`, `leftTouch`, `topTouch` and `bottomTouch`. </br> {handle:'end',on:'rightTouch', touch:true}, {handle:'end',on:'leftTouch', touch: true} ], // ##### touchMedia // Sometimes you want to display distinct media for touch devices. // For these cases, the stimulus object supports the `touchMedia` parameter // that accepts an alternative media object that will be displayed on touch devices instead of the regular one. // If a `touchMedia` parameter is not defined the regular media will be used instead. layout:[ { location:{top:20}, media:{word:'this will always be here'} }, { location:{bottom:20}, media:{word:'Only on regular'}, touchMedia:{word:'Only on touch'} } ], interactions: [ { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'end'}], actions: [{type:'endTrial'}] } ] } ]); return API.script; });

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