You can find the images used for this task here.

This example is intended for educational purposes only. If you want to actually use this type of task, please see the extensions page.

// You can find the images used for this task [here]( // // ** This example is intended for educational purposes only. If you want to actually use this type of task, please see the [extensions page]( ** define(['pipAPI','pipScorer'], function(APIConstructor,Scorer) { var API = new APIConstructor('plainIAT'); var scorer = new Scorer(); var attribute1 = 'Unpleasant'; var attribute2 = 'Pleasant'; var category = 'Black People'; // the layout for the trials were the 'Black People' are on the left side (with the 'Unpleasant') var leftLayout = [ {location:{left:16,top:12},media:{word:'or'}, css:{color:'black','font-size':'2em'}}, {location:{left:10,top:6},media:{word:attribute1}, css:{color:'white','font-size':'2em'}}, {location:{left:10,top:18},media:{word:category}, css:{color:'red','font-size':'2em'}}, {location:{right:10,top:6},media:{word:attribute2}, css:{color:'white','font-size':'2em'}} ]; // the layout for the trials were the 'Black People' are on the right side (with the 'Pleasant') var rightLayout = [ {location:{right:16,top:12},media:{word:'or'}, css:{color:'black','font-size':'2em'}}, {location:{left:10,top:6},media:{word:attribute1}, css:{color:'white','font-size':'2em'}}, {location:{right:6,top:18},media:{word:category}, css:{color:'red','font-size':'2em'}}, {location:{right:10,top:6},media:{word:attribute2}, css:{color:'white','font-size':'2em'}} ]; API.addSettings('canvas',{ maxWidth: 1000, proportions : 0.8, //Change the colors to allow better presentation of the colored stimuli. background: 'white', canvasBackground: 'green', borderWidth: 5, borderColor: 'black' }); API.addSettings('base_url',{ image : '/minno-time/images' }); API.addSettings('logger',{ pulse: 20, url : '/implicit/PiPlayerApplet' }); //the scorer that computes the user feedback scorer.addSettings('compute',{ ErrorVar:'score', condVar:"condition", //condition 1 cond1VarValues: [// Unpleasant, Black people/ pleasant attribute1 + ',' + category + '/' + attribute2 ], //condition 2 cond2VarValues: [// Unpleasant / Black people, Pleasant attribute2 + ',' + category + '/' + attribute1 ], parcelVar : "parcel", parcelValue : ['first'], fastRT : 150, //Below this reaction time, the latency is considered extremely fast. maxFastTrialsRate : 0.1, //Above this % of extremely fast responses within a condition, the participant is considered too fast. minRT : 400, //Below this latency maxRT : 10000, //above this errorLatency : {use:"latency", penalty:600, useForSTD:true}, postSettings : {score:"score",msg:"feedback",url:"/implicit/scorer"} }); scorer.addSettings('message',{ /**chack*/ MessageDef: [ { cut:'-0.65', message:'Your data suggest strong positive automatic attitude toward Black People.' }, { cut:'-0.35', message:'Your data suggest moderate positive automatic attitude toward Black People.' }, { cut:'-0.15', message:'Your data suggest weak positive automatic attitude toward Black People.' }, { cut:'0.15', message:'Your data suggest neutral automatic attitude toward Black People.' }, { cut:'0.35', message:'Your data suggest weak negative automatic attitude toward Black People.' }, { cut:'0.65', message:'Your data suggest moderate negative automatic attitude toward Black People.' }, { cut:'5', message:'Your data suggest strong negative automatic attitude toward Black People.' } ] }); /** * Create default Trial * note that this function takes a single object */ API.addTrialSets('Default',{ // by default each trial is correct, this is modified in case of an error data: {score:0}, // set the interface for trials input: [ {handle:'enter',on:'enter'}, {handle:'left',on:'keypressed',key:'e'}, {handle:'right',on:'keypressed',key:'i'}, {handle:'left',on:'leftTouch',touch:true}, {handle:'right',on:'rightTouch',touch:true} ], // user interactions interactions: [ // begin trial : display stimulus imidiately { conditions: [{type:'begin'}], actions: [{type:'showStim',handle:'myStim'}] }, // error { conditions: [ {type:'inputEqualsStim',property:'side',negate:true}, // check if the input handle is unequal to the "side" attribute of {type:'inputEquals',value:['right','left']} // make sure this is a click interaction ], actions: [ {type:'showStim',handle:'error'}, // show error stimulus {type:'setTrialAttr', setter:{score:1}} // set the score to 1 ] }, // correct { conditions: [{type:'inputEqualsStim',property:'side'}], // check if the input handle is equal to the "side" attribute of actions: [ {type:'removeInput',handle:['left','right']}, {type:'hideStim', handle: 'All'}, // hide everything {type:'log'}, // log this trial {type:'setInput',input:{handle:'end', on:'timeout',duration:250}} // trigger the "end action after ITI" ] }, // end after ITI { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'end'}], actions: [ {type:'endTrial'} ] }, // skip block { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'enter'}], actions: [ {type:'goto', destination: 'nextWhere', properties: {blockStart:true}}, {type:'endTrial'} ] } ] }); /** * Create default Introduction trials * note that this function takes an array of objects */ API.addTrialSets("introduction", [ // generic introduction trial, to be inherited by all other inroduction trials { // set block as generic so we can inherit it later data: {block: 'generic'}, // create user interface (just click to move on...) input: [ {handle:'space',on:'space'}, {handle:'enter',on:'enter'}, {handle:'space',on:'bottomTouch',touch:true} ], interactions: [ // display instructions { conditions: [{type:'begin'}], actions: [ {type:'showStim',handle:'All'} ] }, // end trial { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}], actions: [{type:'endTrial'}] }, // skip block { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'enter'}], actions: [ {type:'goto', destination: 'nextWhere', properties: {blockStart:true}}, {type:'endTrial'} ] } ] } ]); /** * Create specific trials for each block */ API.addTrialSets({ leftBlack:[{//black people + unpleasant/ pleasant data: {condition: attribute1 + ',' + category + '/' + attribute2}, layout: leftLayout, inherit: 'Default', stimuli: [ {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'category_left'}}, {inherit:{type:'random',set:'feedback'}} ] }], rightUnpleasant:[{ //black people + pleasant/ unpleasant data: {condition: attribute2 + ',' + category + '/' + attribute1}, layout: rightLayout, inherit: 'Default', stimuli: [ {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'left'}}, {inherit:{type:'random',set:'feedback'}} ] }], leftUnpleasant:[{ //black people + unpleasant/ pleasant data: {condition: attribute1 + ',' + category + '/' + attribute2}, layout: leftLayout, inherit: 'Default', stimuli: [ {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'left'}}, {inherit:{type:'random',set:'feedback'}} ] }], leftPleasant:[{ //black people + unpleasant/ pleasant data: {condition: attribute1 + ',' + category + '/' + attribute2}, layout: leftLayout, inherit: 'Default', stimuli: [ {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'right'}}, {inherit:{type:'random',set:'feedback'}} ] }], rightPleasant:[{ //black people + pleasant/ unpleasant data: {condition: attribute2 + ',' + category + '/' + attribute1}, layout: rightLayout, inherit: 'Default', stimuli: [ {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'right'}}, {inherit:{type:'random',set:'feedback'}} ] }], rightBlack:[{ //black people + pleasant/ unpleasant data: {condition: attribute2 + ',' + category + '/' + attribute1}, layout: rightLayout, inherit: 'Default', // inherit the default trial stimuli: [ {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'category_right'}}, {inherit:{type:'random',set:'feedback'}} ] }] }); /* * Stimulus Sets * */ API.addStimulusSets({ // This Default stimulus is inherited by the other stimuli so that we can have a consistent look and change it from one place Default: [ {css:{color:'white','font-size':'2em'}} ], Instructions: [ {css:{'font-size':'1.3em',color:'black', lineHeight:1.2}} ], // The trial stimuli // Each stimulus set holds the left and right stimuli for a specific page settings (is the first attribute/category in the left or right?) // Notably the attribute/category sets repeat themselves 5 times each, this is so that when calling them they will be balanced accross each ten trials category_left: [ {data:{side:'left', handle:'myStim', alias:category}, inherit:'Default', media: {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'category'}}} ], category_right : [ {data:{side:'right', handle:'myStim', alias:category}, inherit:'Default', media: {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'category'}}} ], right : [ {data:{side:'right', handle:'myStim', alias:attribute2}, inherit:'Default', media: {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'attribute2'}}} ], left : [ {data:{side:'left', handle:'myStim', alias:attribute1}, inherit:'Default', media: {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'attribute1'}}} ], // this stimulus used for giving feedback, in this case only the error notification feedback : [ {handle:'error', location: {top: 80}, css:{color:'red','font-size':'4em'}, media: {word:'X'}, nolog:true} ] }); API.addMediaSets({ attribute1 : [ {word: 'Bomb'}, {word: 'Abuse'}, {word: 'Sadness'}, {word: 'Pain'}, {word: 'Poison'}, {word: 'Grief'} ], attribute2: [ {word: 'Paradise'}, {word: 'Pleasure'}, {word: 'Cheer'}, {word: 'Wonderful'}, {word: 'Splendid'}, {word: 'Love'} ], category: [ {image: 'epbm1.jpg'}, {image: 'epbm2.jpg'}, {image: 'epbm3.jpg'}, {image: 'epbf1.jpg'}, {image: 'epbf2.jpg'}, {image: 'epbf3.jpg'} ] }); /* * Create the Task sequence */ API.addSequence([ //first block { data: {block:1, blockStart:true}, // we set the data with the category names so the template can display them inherit: {set:'introduction', type:'byData', data: {block:'generic'}}, // inhertit the generic instruction block layout: rightLayout, stimuli: [{ inherit:'Instructions', media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:24px"><color="#FFFAFA"><br/><br/>Put your middle or index fingers on the <b>E</b> key and <b>I</b> keys of your keyboard. Items representing the categories at the top will appear one-by-one in the middle of the screen. When the item belongs to a category on the left, press the <b>E</b> key;when the item belongs to a category on the right, press the <b>I</b> key. Items belong to only one category.If you make an error, an <font color="#FF0000"><b>X</b></font> will appear - fix the error by hitting the other key.<br/><b>GO AS FAST AS YOU CAN</b> while making as few mistakes as possible.Going too slow or making too many errors will result in an uninterpretable score.<br /><p align="center"><br/>Press the <b>space bar</b> to begin.<br><br>(round 1 of 4)</p></p></div>'} }] }, { //The presentation trials mixer: 'random', //in random order: 14 times: pleasant, 14 times: black people 14+6=20 times: unpleasant data : [ { //The presentation trials mixer: 'repeat', times:14, data : [ {inherit: 'rightBlack',data:{block:1, parcel:'first'}}, {inherit: 'rightPleasant',data:{block:1, parcel:'first'}}, {inherit: 'rightUnpleasant',data:{block:1, parcel:'first'}} ] }, { //The presentation trials mixer: 'repeat', times:6, data : [ {inherit: 'rightUnpleasant',data:{block:1, parcel:'first'}} ] } ] }, //second block { data: {block:2, blockStart:true}, inherit: {set:'introduction', type:'byData', data: {block:'generic'}}, // inhertit the generic instruction block layout: leftLayout, stimuli: [{ inherit:'Instructions', media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:24px"><color="#FFFAFA"><br/><br/><b>See above, the categories have changed locations.</b><br/> The rules, however, are the same.</p><br /><p>When the item belongs to a category on the left, press the <b>E</b> key; when the item belongs to a category on the right, press the <b>I</b> key. Items belong to only one category. <br/> <b>GO AS FAST AS YOU CAN.</b></p><br /> <p align="center">Press the <b>space bar</b> to begin.<br><br>(round 2 of 4)</p></p></p></div>'} }] }, { //The presentation trials mixer: 'random', //in random order: 14 times: unpleasant, 14 times: black people 14+6=20 times: pleasant data : [ { //The presentation trials mixer: 'repeat', times:14, data : [ {inherit: 'leftBlack',data:{block:2, parcel:'first'}}, {inherit: 'leftUnpleasant',data:{block:2, parcel:'first'}}, {inherit: 'leftPleasant',data:{block:2, parcel:'first'}} ] }, { //The presentation trials mixer: 'repeat', times:6, data : [ {inherit: 'leftPleasant',data:{block:2, parcel:'first'}} ] } ] }, //third block { data: {block:3, blockStart:true}, inherit: {set:'introduction', type:'byData', data: {block:'generic'}}, // inhertit the generic instruction block layout: rightLayout, stimuli: [{ inherit:'Instructions', media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:28px"><color="#FFFAFA"><br/><br/><b>The categories have changed locations again.</b><br/><br/><br/><p align="center">Press the <b>space bar</b> to continue with the same task.<br><br>(round 3 of 4)</p></p></div>'} }] }, { //The presentation trials mixer: 'random', data : [ { mixer: 'repeat', times:14, data : [ {inherit: 'rightBlack',data:{block:3, parcel:'second'}}, {inherit: 'rightPleasant',data:{block:3, parcel:'second'}}, {inherit: 'rightUnpleasant',data:{block:3, parcel:'second'}} ] }, { //The presentation trials mixer: 'repeat', times:6, data : [ {inherit: 'rightUnpleasant',data:{block:3, parcel:'second'}} ] } ] }, //fourth block { data: {block:4, blockStart:true}, inherit: {set:'introduction', type:'byData', data: {block:'generic'}}, // inhertit the generic instruction block layout: leftLayout, stimuli: [{ inherit:'Instructions', media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:26px"><color="#FFFAFA"><br/><br/>The task is almost finished.<br/> Press the <b>space bar</b> when you are ready for the final round.</p><br/><br/><br/>(round 4 of 4)</p></div>'} }] }, { //The presentation trials mixer: 'random', data : [ { mixer: 'repeat', times:14, data : [ {inherit: 'leftBlack',data:{block:4, parcel:'second'}}, {inherit: 'leftUnpleasant',data:{block:4, parcel:'second'}}, {inherit: 'leftPleasant',data:{block:4, parcel:'second'}} ] }, { //The presentation trials mixer: 'repeat', times:6, data : [ {inherit: 'leftPleasant',data:{block:4, parcel:'second'}} ] } ] }, // user feedback- here we will use the computeD function. { inherit: {set:'introduction', type:'byData', data: {block:'generic'}}, data: {blockStart:true}, stimuli: [], customize: function(){ /* global console */ var DScoreObj, DScore, FBMsg; var trial = this; scorer.addSettings('compute',{ parcelValue : ['first'] }); DScoreObj = scorer.computeD(); var DScore1= DScoreObj.DScore; //////second call to score////// scorer.addSettings('compute',{ parcelValue : ['second'] }); DScoreObj = scorer.computeD(); var DScore2 = DScoreObj.DScore; //avrage the scores console.log(DScore1); console.log(DScore2); // If all scores are numbers if ((DScore1 !== '') && (DScore2 !== '')){ //Average the 4 scores DScore = (parseFloat(DScore1) + parseFloat(DScore2))/2; FBMsg = scorer.getFBMsg(DScore); } else { DScore = ''; FBMsg = 'An error has occurred'; } var media = {css:{color:'black'},media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:28px"><color="#FFFAFA"> '+FBMsg+'<br>The Score is:'+DScore+'</p></div>'}}; trial.stimuli.push(media); scorer.dynamicPost({ score1: DScoreObj.DScore, feedback1: DScoreObj.FBMsg }); } }, { //Instructions trial, the end of the task, instruction what to do next data: {blockStart:true}, inherit: {set:'introduction', type:'byData', data: {block:'generic'}}, stimuli: [ {//The instructions stimulus data : {'handle':'instStim'}, css: {color:'black'}, media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:28px"><color="#FFFAFA">You have completed the study<br/><br/>Thank you very much for your participation.<br/><br/> Press "space" for continue to next task.</p></div>'} } ] } ]); return API.script; });

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