Evaluative priming

You can find the images used for this task here.

This example is intended for educational purposes only. If you want to actually use this type of task, please see the extensions page.

// You can find the images used for this task [here](https://github.com/minnojs/minno-time/tree/gh-pages/images). // // ** This example is intended for educational purposes only. If you want to actually use this type of task, please see the [extensions page](https://app-prod-03.implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/common/all/js/pip/piscripts/ydocs/dist/index.html). ** define(['pipAPI','pipScorer'], function(APIConstructor,Scorer) { var API = new APIConstructor(); var scorer = new Scorer(); var category1 = 'Pleasant'; var category2 = 'Unpleasant'; //Set the size of the screen API.addSettings('canvas',{ maxWidth: 1000, proportions : 0.8, //Change the colors to allow better presentation of the colored stimuli. background: 'white', canvasBackground: 'green', borderWidth: 5, borderColor: 'black' }); //the source of the images API.addSettings('base_url',{ image : '/minno-time/images' }); API.addSettings('logger',{ pulse: 20, url : '/implicit/PiPlayerApplet', // use default logger (as copied from documents.txt but replace the regular latency with the computed latency) logger: function(trialData, inputData, actionData, logStack){ var stimList = this._stimulus_collection.get_stimlist(); var mediaList = this._stimulus_collection.get_medialist(); var myLatency = inputData.latency; if (trialData.begin > 0) { myLatency = inputData.latency - trialData.begin; } return { log_serial : logStack.length, trial_id: this._id, name: this.name(), responseHandle: inputData.handle, latency: myLatency, // computed latency absoluteLatency : inputData.latency, // original latency stimuli: stimList, media: mediaList, data: trialData }; } }); //the scorer that compute the user feedback scorer.addSettings('compute',{ ErrorVar:'score', condVar:"trialCategories", cond1VarValues: ["Black People/Bad Words","White People/Good Words"], //condition 1 cond2VarValues: ["Black People/Good Words","White People/Bad Words"], //condition 2 parcelVar : "parcel", parcelValue : ["research"], fastRT : 150, //Below this reaction time, the latency is considered extremely fast. maxFastTrialsRate : 0.1, //Above this % of extremely fast responses within a condition, the participant is considered too fast. minRT : 150, //Below this latency maxRT : 5000, //above this errorLatency : {use:"false", penalty:600, useForSTD:true}//ignore error respones }); scorer.addSettings('message',{ MessageDef: [ { cut:'-0.3', message:'Your data suggest an automatic preference for black people over white people.' },//D < -0.3 { cut:'0.3', message:'Your data suggest no or slight difference in your preference between white people and black people.' },// -0.3 <= D <= 0.3 { cut:'5', message:'Your data suggest an automatic preference for white people over black people.' }// D > 0.3 (and D<=5) ] }); //Define the basic trial (the prsentation of the images and words) API.addTrialSets({ basicTrial: [{ data : {score:0},// by default each trial is correct, this is modified in case of an error //Layout defines what will be presented in the trial. It is like a background display. layout: [ {location:{left:15,top:3},media:{word:'key: e'}, css:{color:'black','font-size':'1em'}}, {location:{left:75,top:3},media:{word:'key: i'}, css:{color:'black','font-size':'1em'}}, {location:{left:10,top:6},media:{word:category2}, css:{color:'white','font-size':'2em'}}, {location:{left:70,top:6},media:{word:category1}, css:{color:'white','font-size':'2em'}} ], input: [ {handle:'enter',on:'enter'} //'enter' to skip the current block ], //Set what to do. interactions: [ { conditions: [{type:'begin'}], actions: [ {type:'showStim',handle:'primingImage'},// display the first stimulus {type:'setInput',input:{handle:'primeOut',on:'timeout',duration:300}} ] }, { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'primeOut'}], // on time out actions: [ {type:'hideStim',handle:'primingImage'}, // hide the first stimulus {type:'showStim',handle:'targetStim'},// and show the second one //Set the possible key inputs. {type:'setInput',input:{handle:category2,on: 'keypressed', key:'e'}}, {type:'setInput',input:{handle:category1,on: 'keypressed', key:'i'}}, {type:'setInput',input:{handle:category2,on:'leftTouch',touch:true}}, {type:'setInput',input:{handle:category1,on:'rightTouch',touch:true}}, {type:'setTrialAttr',setter:function(data,event){ data.begin = event.latency; }} ] }, // there are 2 possible responses: "pleasant" and "unpleasant", here we handle these responses when the user answers // matches the word value (correct response) { conditions: [ {type:'inputEqualsStim',property:'wordCategory'}], actions: [ {type:'log'}, // here we call the log action. This is because we want to record the latency of this input (the latency of the response) {type:'removeInput',handle :[category2,category1]},//only one response is possible {type:'trigger', handle:'showFix'}//End the trial immidiatlly after correct response ] }, // there are 2 possible responses: "pleasant" and "unpleasant", here we handle with these responses when the user answer // doesn't match the word value (incorrect response) //this conditions are true only after incorrect response // handle incorrect response. //this conditions are true only after incorrect response { conditions: [ {type:'inputEqualsStim',property:'wordCategory', negate:true}, {type:'inputEquals',value: [category1, category2]} // This is a category action - as opposed to some timeout. ], actions: [ {type:'setTrialAttr', setter:{score:1}}, {type:'log'}, // here we call the log action. This is because we want to record the latency of this input (the latency of the response) {type:'showStim',handle:'errorFB'}, //show error feedback {type:'removeInput',handle :[category2,category1]},// block the option to change the answer or to answer twice {type:'setInput',input:{handle:'showFix', on:'timeout',duration:250}} //End the trial in 250ms (show the x until then) ] }, { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'showFix'}], //What to do when endTrial is called. actions: [ {type:'hideStim',handle:'All'}, {type:'showStim',handle:'blankScreen'}, //show blankScreen {type:'setInput',input:{handle:'endTrial', on:'timeout',duration:{min:300, max: 900}}} // randomly pick from within a range ] }, // skip block -> if you press 'enter' you will skip the current block. { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'enter'}], actions: [ {type:'goto', destination: 'nextWhere', properties: {blockStart:true}}, {type:'endTrial'} ] }, { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'endTrial'}], //What to do when endTrial is called. actions: [{type:'endTrial'}] } ] // end interactions }] // end basic trial }); // end trialsets API.addTrialSets({ //pleasant+white people (condition 1) pleasantWhite:[{ data: {parcel:'research', condition: "pleasant/white"}, inherit:{set: 'basicTrial'}, stimuli: [ { inherit: {set: 'targetStimulusA', type:'exRandom'}, data : {handle:'targetStim'} }, { inherit: {set: 'primingImage1', type:'exRandom'}, data : {handle:'primingImage'} }, { inherit: 'errorFB'}, { inherit: 'blankScreen'} ] }], //pleasant+black people (condition 2) pleasantBlack:[{ data: {parcel:'research',condition: "pleasant/black "}, inherit:{set: 'basicTrial'}, stimuli: [ { inherit: {set: 'targetStimulusA', type:'exRandom'}, data : {handle:'targetStim'} }, { inherit: {set: 'primingImage2', type:'exRandom'}, data : {handle:'primingImage'} }, { inherit: 'errorFB'}, { inherit: 'blankScreen'} ] }], //unpleasant+white people (condition 2) unpleasantWhite:[{ data: {parcel:'research',condition: "unpleasant/white"}, inherit:{set: 'basicTrial'}, stimuli: [ { inherit: {set: 'targetStimulusB', type:'exRandom'}, data : {handle:'targetStim'} }, { inherit: {set: 'primingImage1', type:'exRandom'}, data : {handle:'primingImage'} }, { inherit: 'errorFB'}, { inherit: 'blankScreen'} ] }], //unpleasant+ black people (condition 1) unpleasantBlack:[{ data: {parcel:'research',condition: "unpleasant/black"}, inherit:{set: 'basicTrial'}, stimuli: [ { inherit: {set: 'targetStimulusB', type:'exRandom'}, data : {handle:'targetStim'} }, { inherit: {set: 'primingImage2', type:'exRandom'}, data : {handle:'primingImage'} }, { inherit: 'errorFB'}, { inherit: 'blankScreen'} ] }] }); //Create the stimuli API.addStimulusSets({ //These are diffrent types of stimuli. //That way we can later create a stimulus object the inherits from this set randomly. // This Default stimulus is inherited by the other stimuli so that we can have a consistent look and change it from one place Default: [ {css:{color:'white','font-size':'2em'}} ], targetStimulusA: [ //first catagory of words { data : {wordCategory:category1, alias:category1}, inherit:'Default', media: {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'targetWordsA'}} //Select a word from the media, randomly } ], targetStimulusB: [ //the second catagory of words { data : {wordCategory:category2, alias:category2}, inherit:'Default', media: {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'targetWordsB'}} } ], errorFB : [//Error feedback stimulus { data : {handle:'errorFB'}, size: {height:15,width:15}, location: {top:70}, media: {image:'cross.png'}, //An image. nolog:true } ], blankScreen : [//blankScreen stimulus (in between the trials) can be used as a fixation point { data : {handle:'blankScreen'}, media: {word:' '},//can be replace with '+' nolog:true } ], //priming stimulus: the catagories of images primingImage1 : [ { data : {handle:'primingImage',alias:'white'}, inherit:'Default', media: {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'Images1'}} } ], primingImage2 : [ { data : {handle:'primingImage',alias:'black'}, inherit:'Default', media: {inherit:{type:'exRandom',set:'Images2'}} } ] }); //Create materials (media) for the stimulus //Twp categories of images, and two categories of words. API.addMediaSets({ Images1: [ {image: 'sw01.jpg'}, {image: 'sw02.jpg'}, {image: 'sw03.jpg'}, {image: 'sw04.jpg'}, {image: 'sw05.jpg'}, {image: 'sw06.jpg'}, {image: 'sw07.jpg'}, {image: 'sw08.jpg'}, {image: 'sw09.jpg'}, {image: 'sw10.jpg'}, {image: 'sw11.jpg'}, {image: 'sw12.jpg'} ], Images2: [ {image: 'sb01.jpg'}, {image: 'sb02.jpg'}, {image: 'sb03.jpg'}, {image: 'sb04.jpg'}, {image: 'sb05.jpg'}, {image: 'sb06.jpg'}, {image: 'sb07.jpg'}, {image: 'sb08.jpg'}, {image: 'sb09.jpg'}, {image: 'sb10.jpg'}, {image: 'sb11.jpg'}, {image: 'sb12.jpg'} ], targetWordsA: [ {word: 'Paradise'}, {word: 'Pleasure'}, {word: 'Cheer'}, {word: 'Friend'}, {word: 'Splendid'}, {word: 'Love'}, {word: 'Glee'}, {word: 'Smile'}, {word: 'Enjoy'}, {word: 'Delight'}, {word: 'Beautiful'}, {word: 'Attractive'}, {word: 'Likeable'}, {word: 'Wonderful'} ], targetWordsB: [ {word: 'Bomb'}, {word: 'Abuse'}, {word: 'Sadness'}, {word: 'Pain'}, {word: 'Poison'}, {word: 'Grief'}, {word: 'Ugly'}, {word: 'Dirty'}, {word: 'Stink'}, {word: 'Noxious'}, {word: 'Humiliate'}, {word: 'Annoying'}, {word: 'Disgusting'}, {word: 'Offensive'} ] }); //Define the instructions trial API.addTrialSets('inst',{ input: [ {handle:'space',on:'space'}, //Will handle a SPACEBAR reponse {handle: 'enter', on:'enter'}, {handle:'space',on:'centerTouch',touch:true} ], interactions: [ { // begin trial conditions: [{type:'begin'}], actions: [{type:'showStim',handle:'All'}] //Show the instructions }, { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}], //What to do when space is pressed actions: [ {type:'hideStim',handle:'All'}, //Hide the instructions {type:'setInput',input:{handle:'endTrial', on:'timeout',duration:500}} //In 500ms: end the trial. In the mean time, we get a blank screen. ] }, // skip block -> if you press 'enter' you will skip the current block. { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'enter'}], actions: [ {type:'goto', destination: 'nextWhere', properties: {blockStart:true}}, {type:'endTrial'} ] }, { conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'endTrial'}], //What to do when endTrial is called. actions: [ {type:'endTrial'} //End the trial ] } ] }); //Defines the sequence of trials API.addSequence([ { //Instructions trial data: {blockStart:true}, inherit : "inst", stimuli: [ {//The instructions stimulus //the instructions that will be shown on the screen media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:24px"><color="FFFAFA">Put your middle or index fingers on the <b>E</b> key of the keyboard, and the <b>I</b> key as well. <br/> Words and photos will appear one after another. Ignore the photos and categorize the words as pleasant or unpleasant.<br/><br/>When the word belongs to the catagory "Unpleasant", press the <b>E</b> key. <br/> when the word belongs to the category "Pleasant", press the <b>I</b> key.</br></br>If you make an error, an X will appear.</br>This is a timed sorting task. <b>GO AS FAST AS YOU CAN</b> while making as few mistakes as possible.<br>This task will take about 5 minutes to complete.<br> press on "space" to begin <br><br>[Round 1 of 3]</p></div>'} } ] }, { //The presentation trials // Repeat 60 times the trial. (15 times each combination) mixer: 'random', // data : [ { mixer: 'repeat', times: 15, data : [ {inherit: 'pleasantWhite',data:{block:0}}, {inherit: 'pleasantBlack',data:{block:0}}, {inherit: 'unpleasantWhite',data:{block:0}}, {inherit: 'unpleasantBlack',data:{block:0}} ] } // end wrapper ] }, { //Instructions trial, second round data: {blockStart:true}, inherit : "inst", stimuli: [ {//The instructions stimulus media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:28px"><color="#FFFAFA">Press "space" to continue with the same task.<br/><br/>Please try to challenge yourself to be as fast as you can without making mistakes<br/><br/>[Round 2 of 3].</p></div>'} } ] }, { //The presentation trials // Repeat 60 times the trial. (15 times each combination) mixer: 'random', data : [ { mixer: 'repeat', times: 15, data : [ {inherit: 'pleasantWhite',data:{block:1}}, {inherit: 'pleasantBlack',data:{block:1}}, {inherit: 'unpleasantWhite',data:{block:1}}, {inherit: 'unpleasantBlack',data:{block:1}} ] } // end wrapper ] }, { //Instructions trial, third round data: {blockStart:true}, inherit : "inst", stimuli: [ {//The instructions stimulus media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:28px"><color="#FFFAFA">Press "space" for the last round.<br/><br/>[Round 3 of 3].</p></div>'} } ] }, { //The presentation trials // Repeat 60 times the trial. (15 times each combination) mixer: 'random', // data : [ { mixer: 'repeat', times: 15, data : [ {inherit: 'pleasantWhite',data:{block:2}}, {inherit: 'pleasantBlack',data:{block:2}}, {inherit: 'unpleasantWhite',data:{block:2}}, {inherit: 'unpleasantBlack',data:{block:2}} ] } ] }, // user feedback- here we will use the computeD function. { data: {blockStart:true}, inherit: "inst", stimuli: [], customize: function(){ var trial = this; var DScoreObj = scorer.computeD(); var DScore = DScoreObj.Dscore; var FBMsg = DScoreObj.FBMsg; var media = {media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:28px"><color="#FFFFFF"> '+FBMsg+'<br>The Score is:'+DScore+'</p></div>'}}; trial.stimuli.push(media);//show the user feedback } }, { //Instructions trial, the end of the task, instruction what to do next data: {blockStart:true}, inherit : "inst", stimuli: [ {//The instructions stimulus data : {'handle':'instStim'}, media:{html:'<div><p style="font-size:28px"><color="#FFFAFA">You have completed the study<br/><br/>Thank you very much for your participation.<br/><br/> Press "space" for continue to next task.</p></div>'} } ] } ]); return API.script; });

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