
define(['pipAPI'], function(APIconstructor) { var API = new APIconstructor(); // Create a trial set with the hello world trial API.addTrialSets('slide',[{ input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}], layout: [{media :{word:'Hello world'}}], interactions: [{ conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}], actions: [{type:'endTrial'}] }] }]); // Create the sequence (Each trial extends the slide and overwrites the layout property) API.addSequence([ { inherit:'slide', layout: [{media :{word:'This'}}] }, { inherit:'slide', layout: [{media :{word:'is'}}] }, { inherit:'slide', layout: [{media :{word:'even'}}] }, { inherit:'slide', layout: [{media :{word:'Cooler!!'}}] } ]); return API.script; });

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