- Core
- Tutorials
- Examples
- Snippets
- Inheritance
- Input
- Interactions
- Sequence
- Settings
- Stimulus
- Touch
- Trial
define(['pipAPI'], function(APIconstructor) {
var API = new APIconstructor();
// ### The trial sequence
// The heart of any miTime script is the sequence.
// In this part of the tutorial we will see some advanced uses of the sequencer. </br>
// #### Multiple trials
// The sequence is an array of trials. you can sequentially add in as many trials as you want
// First trial
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'First trial'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// Second trial
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Second trial'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// #### Mixer objects
// In order to create more complex sequences you can use mixer objects. Mixer objects allow you to repeat and randomize trials. </br>
// Each mixer object has a mixer property that defines what type of mixer it is, and a data property that holds a sequence array to be mixed. This means that the sequence may include any number of trials and/or mixer objects.</br>
// {
// mixer: 'mixer-type',
// data: [task1, task2]
// }
// ##### Random
// The mixer property tells the sequence what sort of mixer object this is.
// This mixer randomizes its sequence.
mixer : 'random',
// The data property holds a sequence array to be randomized. These trials will be inserted into the sequence in a random order.
data : [
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Random 1'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Random 2'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Random 3'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// ##### Repeat
// This mixer repeats the trials in the data property.
mixer : 'repeat',
// The repeat mixer requires the times property that defines how many times to repeat the trials.
times : 3,
// The data property holds a sequence array to be repeated.
data : [
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'I am repeated !!'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// ##### Choose
// This mixer randomly chooses one or more trials
mixer : 'choose',
// The number of trials to choose (by default only one)
n : 1,
// The data property holds a sequence array from which the mixer picks trials.
data : [
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Choose only one (1)'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Choose only one (2)'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Choose only one (3)'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// ##### Weighted Random
// The weighted random mixer chooses an element from `data` with specific weights for each entry.
mixer : 'weightedRandom',
// The weights of the elements. The numbers in this array are the relative weights of each respective element in data.
weights: [0.2,0.8],
// The data property holds a sequence array to be randomized.
data : [
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Random 1 (20%)'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Random 2 (80%)'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// ##### Wrapper (blocks within randomize)
// This mixer randomizes its sequence
mixer : 'random',
// The data property holds a sequence array to be randomized.
data : [
// This trial is randomized normally
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Complex - may be before or after the pair'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// The wrapper mixer tells the sequencer to keep the data inside it together despite the randomization. It is analogous to parenthesis in math. </br>
// In contrast, if we has a repeat mixer here, its content would be randomized.
mixer: 'wrapper',
data: [
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Pair 1'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Pair 2'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// ##### Wrapper (randomization within repeat)
// This mixer repeats its sequence.
mixer : 'repeat',
// Two times.
times: 2,
// The data property holds a sequence array to be repeated.
data : [
// The wrapper mixer tells the sequencer to deffer the randomization until after the repeat</br>
// In contrast, if we didn't have the wrapper the randomizer would be run only once, and we would always randomize the same sequence.
mixer: 'wrapper',
data: [
data: [
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'First Stim'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'Second Stim'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
// ##### The End
input: [{handle:'space',on:'space'}],
layout: [{media :{word:'The End'}}],
interactions: [{conditions: [{type:'inputEquals',value:'space'}],actions: [{type:'endTrial'}]}]
/* this is where we close the sequence */
// ### Pro tip
// *This section goes beyond the normal scope of the miTime, and is intended for use by advanced users only.* </br>
// The sequencer allows for many complex configurations. There are times that you want a quick easy way to test that the sequence you created really does what it is supposed to.
// The proper way to do that is to create a mock sequence and check that it is mixed correctly. </br>
// Following is such an example. </br>
// Require the mixer function
require(['utils/mixer'], function(mixer) {
var sequence;
// Create a sequence using numbers (or strings) instead of trials.
// You may use all the regular mixer objects.
// This sequence creates an array of four sets of numbers.
// Each one of these begins with a `1`, ends with a `9`, and has all the digits between `2` and `8` randomized between them.
sequence = [
mixer : 'repeat',
times : 4,
data : [
// Parse the wrapper only **after** repeating.
mixer: 'wrapper',
data: [
mixer : 'wrapper',
data : [
mixer: 'random',
// Note that we use numbers instead of trials here. This allows us to follow the order that this mixer follows.
data: [
] /* end random data */
] /* end repeat data */
] /* end random data */
] /* end repeat data */
// We log the results of the mixer into the console (click F12 to Open Developer Tools - in Firefox requires Firebug extension.) </br>
// Now you can check to see if the order is what you intend.
/* global console */
return API.script;
/* don't forget to close the define wrapper */
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