Select One

Select One question

An example for a multi select question. It allows you to pick one or more answers to the question. In this case we use it with the autoSubmit option, and add some help text for good measure.

Full documentation is right here.

// ### Select One question // An example for a multi select question. // It allows you to pick one or more answers to the question. In this case we use it with the `autoSubmit` option, and add some help text for good measure. // // Full documentation is right [here](../quest/API.html#selectone-selectmulti). define(['questAPI'], function(Quest){ var API = new Quest(); API.addSequence([ { // page begins header: 'Select questions', questions: [ { // question begins type: 'selectOne', stem: 'When you say good morning, what do you mean?', autoSubmit: true, answers: [ 'Do you wish me a good morning', 'Or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not', 'Or that you feel good this morning', 'Or that it is a morning to be good on', 'All of them at once' ], help: true, helpText: 'Selecting an answer once colors it blue.<br/>' + 'You can change your answer by selecting another option.<br/>' + 'To confirm, click the selected (blue) button a second time.' } // question ends ], noSubmit: true } // page ends ]); return API.script; });

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