Scale With Feedback

define(['questAPI'], function(Quest){ var API = new Quest(); // ### Questions API.addQuestionsSet('basicSelect', { type: 'selectOne', autoSubmit:true, numericValues:true, required:true, errorMsg: { required: "Please select an answer, or click 'decline to answer'" }, answers : ['Strongly disagree', 'Moderately disagree', 'Slightly disagree', 'Slightly agree', 'Moderately agree', 'Strongly agree'], help: '<%= pagesMeta.number < 3 %>', helpText: 'Selecting an answer once colors it blue.<br/>You can change your answer by selecting another option.<br/>To confirm, click the selected (blue) button a second time.' }); API.addQuestionsSet('rosenberg', [ { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros1', stem : "On the whole, I am satisfied with myself." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros2', reverse:true, stem : "At times, I think I am no good at all." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros3', stem : "I feel that I have a number of good qualities." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros4', stem : "I am able to do things as well as most other people." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros5', reverse:true, stem : "I feel I do not have much to be proud of." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros6', reverse:true, stem : "I certainly feel useless at times." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros7', stem : "I feel that I'm a person of worth, at least on an equal plane with others." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros8', reverse:true, stem : "I wish I could have more respect for myself." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros9', reverse:true, stem : "All in all, I am inclined to feel that I am a failure." }, { inherit : 'basicSelect', name : 'ros10', stem : "I take a positive attitude toward myself." } ]); API.addQuestionsSet('showme', { type: 'selectOne', autoSubmit:true, stem:'Click next to see your self-esteem score', name:'next', answers : ['ok'], onSubmit : function(log, current){ var sum=0, count=0, prop, response; // for each question (that has a response and begings with "ros") add to sum for (prop in current.questions){ response = current.questions[prop].response; if (response && /^ros/.test(prop)) { sum += response; count+=1; } } if (count === 10){ current.selfEsteemScore = sum/10; } else { current.selfEsteemScore = 'No score; You did not answer all the questions'; } } }); API.addQuestionsSet('score', { type: 'selectOne', autoSubmit:true, stem: "Your self-esteem score: <%=current.selfEsteemScore%>.<br/><br/>"+ "A score above 5 means you're a douche; A score below 2 means you probably deserve more love than you give yourself.", name:'end' }); // ### Pages API.addPagesSet('scalePage', { progressBar: '<%= pagesMeta.number %> out of 10', header: 'Please rate your agreement with the following statement', headerStyle : {'font-size':'1em'}, questions : {inherit:{set:'rosenberg', type:'exRandom'}}, v1style:2, decline:true, numbered: false }); API.addPagesSet('endPage', { v1style:2, decline:false, numbered: false }); // ### Sequence API.addSequence( [ { mixer : 'repeat', times : 10, data : [ {inherit : 'scalePage'} ] }, { inherit:'endPage', questions:[{inherit:'showme'}] }, { inherit:'endPage', questions:[{inherit:'score'}] } ]); /** Return the script to piquest's god, or something of that sort. **/ return API.script; });

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