Weight experiment

The weight manager is a basic example of how we user miManager. It is heavily commented so that you can follow everything that goes on. After reading the documentation feel free to download the file and modify it according to your needs.

Opening section

The opening section of each script is always more or less the same. We create the wrapper for the script (define), and create a new instance of a manager.

// // The weight manager is a basic example of how we user miManager. // It is heavily commented so that you can follow everything that goes on. // After reading the documentation feel free to download the file and modify it according to your needs. // // ### Opening section // // The opening section of each script is always more or less the same. // We create the wrapper for the script (`define`), and create a new instance of a manager. define(['managerAPI'], function(Manager){ var API = new Manager(); // ### The sequence // The most important part of every manager script is the sequence. // This is where you tell it how to interact with the participants. // In our case we want to simply present a single instruction page, and then activate a miQuest questionnaire. API.addSequence([ // #### Instructions // This is a message task. It is used to give instructions to the user. // // The task type is defined using the `type` property. // Setting `keys` to '&nbsp;&nbsp;' allows using the space button in order to proceed. // We use `template` to insert a plain html template to the task. // Usually it is more convenient to use `templateUrl` and get the html out of a separate file, we chose this method here in order to keep the script concise. { type: 'message', keys: ' ', template: '<div class="panel panel-info" style="margin-top:1em">' + '<div class="panel-heading">' + '<h1 class="panel-title" style="font-size:2em">Welcome</h1>' + '</div>' + '<div class="panel-body">' + '<p>You are about to take a questionnaire that has to do with your perception of personal weight.</p>' + '<p>Please take your time and answer to the best of your ability. In case there is no answer that fits you exactly, pick the closest answer possible.</p>' + '<div style="max-width: 50%; margin: 30px auto 10px;" class="well">' + '<button pi-message-done type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-block">Click Here or press the space button to Proceed</button>' + '</div>' + '</div>' + '</div>' }, // #### Weight Questionnaire // This is a miQuest task. In this case it is the central task of this experiment. // The questionnaire is loaded from a file (you can see it right [here](../quest/weightDocco.html)). { type: 'quest', name: 'weightQuest', scriptUrl: '../../quest/weight.js' } // Now, we just close the sequence. ]); // ### Closing section // // And finally, we close the script. // Here again, all scripts look more or less the same. // We return the `script` and close the `define` wrapper. return API.script; });

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