Inject Style

The injectStyle task allows you to change the style of Minno throught a study. The style of web pages is determined by their CSS. injectStyle allows you to add any CSS that you like into your study.

    css: '[piq-page] .page-buttons .page-submit {background-color:#d9534f; border:#d43f3a}'

If you have a lot of CSS that you want to add, it makes sense to break the string down as follows:

    css: [
        '[piq-page] .page-buttons .page-submit {background-color:#d9534f; border:#d43f3a}',
        '[piq-page] .page-buttons .page-decline {background-color:#5cb85c; border:#4cae4c}'
property description
css A string of css to add to the page.

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