Running the Evaluative Priming Task on Qulatrics

Gal Maimon Published on August 7, 2020

In this post, I will explain how to run the Evaluative Priming Task in Qualtrics, using Minno.js. First, let’s make sure we all know all the concepts. You are probably reading this because you want to run an Evaluative Priming Task in Qualtrics. So, it is likely that you know what the Evaluative Priming Task is (pages 9-10 here) and what Qualtrics is. Minno.js is the software developed by Project Implicit to run web studies, including reaction-time tasks.


Running the AMP on Qulatrics

Elinor Bengayev Published on July 27, 2020

In this post, I will explain how to run the AMP (Affect Misattribution Procedure) in Qualtrics, using Minno.js. First, let’s make sure we all know all the concepts. You are probably reading this because you want to run an AMP in Qualtrics. So, it is likely that you know what the AMP is (pages 11-13 here) and what Qualtrics is. Minno.js is the software developed by Project Implicit to run web studies, including reaction-time tasks.


Running the ST-IAT on Qualtrics

Elinor Bengayev Published on July 10, 2020

In this post, I will explain how to run the Single Target IAT (ST-IAT; some call it the Single-Category IAT) in Qualtrics, using Minno.js. First, let’s make sure we all know all the concepts. You are probably reading this because you want to run an ST-IAT in Qualtrics. So, it is likely that you know what the ST-IAT is (see this paper) and what Qualtrics is. Minno.js is the software developed by Project Implicit to run web studies, including reaction-time tasks.


Running a Brief-IAT on Qualtrics

Gal Maimon Published on July 9, 2020

In this post, I explain how to run the Brief IAT (BIAT) in Qualtrics, using Minno.js. First, let’s make sure we all know all the concepts. You are probably reading this because you want to run an BIAT in Qualtrics. So, it is likely that you know what the BIAT is (see this paper and/or this paper), and what Qualtrics is. Minno.js is the software developed by Project Implicit to run web studies, including reaction-time tasks.


Simple CSV server

Elad Zlotnick Published on March 12, 2020

This tutorial describes setting up a study in a simple php server. We will use the simple-minno-server which is a rudimnetary and easy to install server for MinnoJS. We will install it on a AwardSpace which is one of many services offerering free php servers.


Running Project Implicit’s IAT from Qualtrics

Yoav Bar-Anan Published on March 5, 2020

Project Implicit has developed MinnoJS to program web studies. The main instrument that we use in Project Implicit is the Implicit Association Test (IAT). The IAT is a commonly used indirect measure of social cognition (read more about such measures here). If you reached this blog post, you probably know what the IAT is and you want to use it in your own study. In this blog post, I will explain how you can use our script in a Qualtrics study.


Develop localy with MinnoJS

Elad Zlotnick Published on February 6, 2020

Normally, we run MinnoJS off a remote server, be it the official MinnoJS server, qulatrics or anything else. This means that there is always a latency between making a change in the MinnoJS script and actually running your study. When using the server, this is only reflected in the time it takes to save the file, when you are working with another system it can take a lot longer to save and then upload. This blog-post is about how to create a local server that will allow you to test your scripts quickly and easily. You won’t be able to save your data, and you should always test any script in the environment that it will eventually be run in, but this is a great tool for the initial development process.


Using Minno with Qualtrics

Elad Zlotnick Published on January 23, 2020

Qualtrics is a service offering online surveys, and a straightforward graphical user interface in order to create them. Although Minno is a more flexible platform, Qualtrics offers an accessable server, and its interface is already familiar to many people. Following is a detailed walk-through for running minno-time studies in Qualtrics. Running a MinnoJS task in Qualtrics requires effort on two levels: First we need to set qualtrics to run the task and save the data. then we need to set up Minno logger to save to data to qualtrics.


Yoking participants (seeded randomization)

Elad Zlotnick Published on December 18, 2019

Most of the time we want randomization to be fully random. In some cases it is usefull to yoke pairs of participants together so that they each recieve the same randomization. MinnoJS does not (yet) support this out of the box, but it is fairly easy to implement using a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). The PRNG allows us to create a series of random numbers depending on an initial seed. This means that if we can pass a seed to the player (via query string), we can generate the same randomization for a pair of participants.


Manually activating MinnoJS

Elad Zlotnick Published on December 17, 2019

The standard way to activate MinnoJS is by having a dedicated element at page load that has the script URL built in. It can look for example like so:


Creating a custom logger

Elad Zlotnick Published on December 17, 2019

MinnoJS automatically sends data from questionnaires (miQuest) and about tasks (which task was visited). It also sends data from reaction-time tasks (those programmed in miTime), about all the trials that triggered the ‘log’ action. But there is more. You can create custom loggers for integration with other systems. In this post we will create a logger that takes data from a minno-time task and saves it as a JSON string into an input element.


Fullscreen mode in MinnoJS

Elad Zlotnick Published on November 28, 2019

Sometimes it is usefull to have your task run in fullscreen mode. One way to do this, is to ask your participants to press F11 (or ^Cmd+F on Safari). A much more fluent way to do this is by having full screen activated by the player automatically. There are two problems that we need to sovle in order for this to happen. First we need to figure out how to request fullscreen mode using raw Javascript. Then, we need to find the way to integrate it into our tasks.