
Randomizes the order of elements in data.

Please note that the randomizer pre-mixes all the content in data, so that any branching mixers will be branched according to the environment as it is when the random mixer is reached. If you want to delay the branching until it is reached, simply wrap it within a wrapper mixer.

// Randomizes the order of elements in `data`. // // Please note that the randomizer pre-mixes all the content in data, // so that any branching mixers will be branched according to the environment as it is when the random mixer is reached. // If you want to delay the branching until it is reached, simply wrap it within a `wrapper` mixer. define(['managerAPI'], function(Manager){ var API = new Manager(); API.addSequence([ { mixer:'random', // declare the mixer data:[ // a list of tasks to randomize { type:'message', keys: ' ', template: 'Task 1' }, { type:'message', keys: ' ', template: 'Task 2' }, { type:'message', keys: ' ', template: 'Task 3' } ] } ]); return API.script; });

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