
The post task is responsible for posting plain data to the server. You can either send data directly from the global object or create it yourself. This is a good way to keep track of complex conditions within your tasks or of manual manipulation of all sorts.

The following post task takes all data from global.randomization and posts it to the server.

    path: 'randomization'

In case the data to be sent is a function, it will be called with global and the task itself as arguments:

    data: function(global, task){
        return {
            score: global.currentScore,

The API is as follows:

property description
settings Optional settings that overide the logger settings as defined in the manager.
variableName A path within the global to the object that you want to send. For example: "" will post the object feedback from global.iat. You can also use an array of paths that will be combined into a single post.
path Deprecated verson of variableName
data A raw object to be posted to the server. You may use templates in order to construct it.

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