
Creating interactivity

This is where you will have to carefully describe exactly what you want MinnoJS to do. You can treat it as a set of if-then pairs that drive the trial. Each interaction is composed of conditions and actions. For example, you can define an interaction so that “if the space key is pressed” (condition), “then display target stimulus” (action). Or another one so that “if a timer triggers” (condition), “then end the trial” (action).

Each trial has an array with one or more interactions. It MUST have at least one interaction, otherwise it will never complete. The array can look something like the following:

    interactions: [

Each individual interaction is an object with two properties: conditions and actions. conditions are a set of propositions that have to all be true in order for respective set of actions to be executed.

    conditions: [
    actions: [
Last modified March 11, 2021: setup hugo (11980dc)