Interactions - actions

Define the reactions that MinnoJS has to user interactions.

If all the conditions in a row of interactions are true, its actions will be executed.

Action types


Display a stimulus, takes a stimulus handle. Use ‘All’ for all stimuli.

  • {type:'showStim',handle:'myStim'}
  • {type:'showStim',handle:'All'}


Hide a stimulus, takes a stimulus handle. Use ‘All’ for all stimuli.

  • {type:'hideStim',handle:'myStim'}
  • {type:'hideStim',handle:'All'}


Set a attribute, takes a stimulus handle and a setter object or function. Any attributes in the setter object will be coppied to the object.

  • {type:'setStimAttr',handle:'myStim',setter:{property:'value',otherProperty:'otherValue'}}

  • The setter function:

        // do your mojo here :)
        // the context ("this") of this function is the stimulus model


Set a attribute, takes a setter object or function. Any attributes in the setter object will be coppied to the object.

  • {type:'setTrialAttr',setter:{property:'value',otherProperty:'otherValue'}}

  • The setter function:

    {type:'setTrialAttr',setter:function(trialData, eventData){
        // do your mojo here :)
        // trialData is the data object for this trial
        // eventData is the internal event that triggered this action
        // the context ("this") of this function is the trial object


Set a global object property, takes a setter object or function. Any attributes in the setter object will be coppied into the global object.

  • {type:'setGlobalAttr',setter:{property:'value',otherProperty:'otherValue'}}

  • The setter function:

        // do your mojo here :)
        // globalObject is the global object...


Activate the input handle. If duration is set, the activation happens after the duration. By default the input handle is triggered immediately.

  • {type:'trigger',handle : 'now'}
  • {type:'trigger',handle : 'later',duration:250}


Set input listener (useful for adding timeouts), takes an input object.

  • {type:'setInput',input:{handle:'time',on:'timeout',duration:300}}


Remove input listener, takes an input handle or an array of input handles. The special keyword All removes all listeners. Warning you must add listeners after using removeInput:All, or else the player will get stuck. This command removes triggers as well as regular input listeners.

  • {type:'removeInput',handle : 'time'}
  • {type:'removeInput',handle : ['time','left']}
  • {type:'removeInput',handle : 'All'}


Resets trial timer. The latency of any events from here on (including the current one) will be calculated back to the reset instead of the begining of the trial.

  • {type:'resetTimer'}


Speaks for itself (note that any actions that come after this is called may not work properly).

  • {type:'endTrial'}


Change canvas style using any of the following properties (see settings): background, canvasBackground, borderColor, borderWidth.

  • {type:'canvas', background:'blue'}


Starts mouse tracking. Mouse tracking logs all measurements into an array in data. It stops when you call the stopMouseTracking action or automatically at the end of the trial. Calling startMouseTracking when it is already running does not do anything.

  • {type:'startMouseTracking'}
  • {type:'startMouseTracking', logAs:'tracking', logRate: 150, logStimulusLocation: ['myHandle']}
logAsSet the property within data to which the tracking data is logged (default: ‘mousetracking’).
logRateThe minmum time between measurements in miliseconds (default: 15).
logStimulusLocationAn array of stimulus handles for which location data should be logged. You can use this to save the location of the stimuli you’re using as response options.

The tracking data is logged as an array of Objects with the following structure:

timeTime in ms from the initiation of mouseTracking.
mouseXThe horizontal location of the mouse relative to the canvas.
mouseYThe vertical location of the mouse relative to the canvas.
<handle&gth;X(optional) The horizontal location of the <handle&gth; elment relative to the canvas.
<handle&gth;Y(optional) The vertical location of the <handle&gth; elment relative to the canvas.
<handle&gth;Width(optional) The width of the <handle&gth; elment.
<handle&gth;Height(optional) The height of the <handle&gth; elment.

Note that each row in the log represents a mouse movement, and not a point in time. This means that if the mouse does not move, there can be long stretches of time without movement recording. When analyzing the data, make sure you use the time property in order to identify movement timing, and do not assume that measurements occur at a pretedermined frequency.


Stops ongoing mousetracking.

  • {type:'stopMouseTracking'}


Log this action. Pushes this action into the logging stack so that it is later sent to the server (you can set how the player logs an action using the logger settings)

  • {type:'log'}


Run a custom function. This action is intended to for use by experienced users that want to tinker with the inner workings of the player - use at your own risk! The fn property takes a custom function. The function takes three arguments: action is the action object itself, the eventData is an object holding information about the triggering event, trial is an the implementation of the trial object.

  • {type:'custom',fn:function(action,eventData,trial){}}

You can checkout some examples of the syntax in the plaer code.


Responsible for the next trial we go to. This action will be executed only after the trial ends, you will probably want to follow it with an endTrial action.

The destination property defines what type of goto this is (default is “next”).

The properties property is an object to compare to the trial data. Note that the properties will only compare to properties present in the raw sequence before inheritance!

  • {type:'goto',destination: 'next'} goto the next trial (this is the default)
  • {type:'goto',destination: 'current'} rerun the current trial
  • {type:'goto',destination: 'first'} goto the first trial
  • {type:'goto',destination: 'last'} goto the last trial
  • {type:'goto',destination: 'end'} end this task
  • {type:'goto',destination: 'nextWhere', properties: {blockStart:true}} goto the next trial that has these properties
  • {type:'goto',destination: 'previousWhere', properties: {blockStart:true}} goto the previous trial that has these properties
Last modified March 11, 2021: setup hugo (11980dc)