
Defining and controling the stimuli that you display

Stimuli are responsible for how we present the media.

    size: {height:25,width:25},
    location: {left:25,top:75},
    media: {word: 'Your very cool stimulus'},
    data: {myData: 'some info', myOtherData: 'some other info'}
    nolog: false


Each trial may have multiple stimuli, and they are refered to by handle. This is how refer to this specific stimulus inside the player (i.e. if we want to hide or show it). If more than one stimulus (per trial) has the same handle, all actions targeted at that handle will affect all stimuli. You can set a stimulus handle either by setting the handle property, or by setting handle into the data object. Alternatively, if a stimulus is inherited from a set, the handle is defined by default as the set that the stimulus was inherited from.


The size of the stimulus in percentage of the player canvas. By default, size is set to {height:‘auto’,width:‘auto’}.


The location to display the stimulus, in percentage of the player canvas. Where left:20 means that the left border of the stimulus should be 20% from the left of the canvas. You may define any of left/right/top/bottom attributes.

Instead of specifying percentages you may use the keyword center in order to center the stimulus, or the keyword auto in order to override any previous settings. By default, location is set to {left:'center', right:'center',top:'center', bottom:'center'}.


Accepts any jquery css object. (see the api for details)


Defines the media associated with this stimulus.


An alternative media object to display in case we are on a touch device (by default, the regular media is used).


In addition to the basic attributes of the stimulus you may add any attribute you like as meta deta that will be available from within the player


If this attribute is set to true, this stimulus (and its associated media) will not be logged. This is usefull for example for focus stimuli and feedback that are identical for all trials and do not need to be logged.

By default nolog is set to false.

Last modified March 11, 2021: fixing actions? (2e5870a)