
Control global settings of minno-time

Settings that apply to the whole task may be changed using API.addSettings (see documentation). Following are the available settings.


logger: {
    url: 'your/target/url',
    pulse: 3,
    fullpath: false,
    logger: function(){
        // do your mojo here :)

The logger section is responsible for logging options.

url: Is the url to which we send the logged data (ask your IT team what it should be). You should set this if you want to log your data…

pulse: After how many rows should we send data to the server. In case the number of rows is reached during a trial, the player waits until the end of the trial and sends all the log rows it gathered at once. Regardless of pulse, the player sends all remaining log rows at the end of the task. This means that it is possible to get pulses holding more or less than “pulse” rows. If pulse is not set (or is set to 0) the player will send all data at the end of the task.

fullpath: When using the media path to log media elements (for images and templates), should we use the full path or just the filename (false by default)

meta: An object that is used to extend each logged row. This is useful in case you want to add some global data to the posts (such as server generated user id, or task name).

logger: Accepts a function to replace the existing logging function. (don’t touch this if you don’t realy know what you’re doing). The logger function is called each time a log action is triggered (see interactions: actions log). It is responsible for adding a logging row to be sent to the server.

function(trialData, inputData, actionData,logStack){
    // trialData: the data object from this trial
    // inputData: the input object that triggered this action
    // actionData: the action object that was triggered (it should look like {type:'log', your:'custom property'})
    // logStack: an array with all previously logged rows

    // the context for this function ("this") is the original trial object

    // the function should return an object to be pushed into the trial stack, and later be sent to the server

This is what the default logger looks like:

function(trialData, inputData, actionData,logStack){
    var stimList = this._stimulus_collection.get_stimlist();
    var mediaList = this._stimulus_collection.get_medialist();

    return {
        log_serial : logStack.length,
        trial_id: this._id,
        responseHandle: inputData.handle,
        latency: Math.floor(inputData.latency),
        stimuli: stimList,
        media: mediaList,
        data: trialData


The canvas is the visable part of the player. This section in the settings controls the shape and appearance of the canvas.

canvas: {
    maxWidth: 800,
    proportions : 0.8

By default Minno attempts to keep the canvas size proportional so that the relationship between stimuli stays consistent. Therefore it attempts to take up as much screen space as posible while staying true to the proportion.

proportions: The proportion settings describes the relationship between the height and width of the canvas (proportion = height/width). You can set it either directly as a number (i.e. 0.8) or more explicitly as an object (i.e. {width:5,height:4}).
By default it is set to 0.8.

maxWidth: The maximum width (in pixels) that the canvas may reach. This value must be a plain number (i.e. 800 and not '800px'). Note that if width is set, then this property is ignored and the canvas size stays static.

width: If width is set, then the canvas size is set to a constant width (control the hight using the proportions property). This value must be a plain number (i.e. 800 and not '800px').

textSize: Controls the default font size in the canvas. It takes a single number that represents font size in percentage of the canvas height (similar to the CSS3 vh unit). By default it is set to 3. Any stimulus that sets font-size using a relative unit (percent/em) will be relative to this size. Any stimulus that sets font-size using an absolute unit (px/pt) will be displayed according to the absolute unit.

background: Controls the background color of the whole screen.

canvasBackground: Controls the background color of the player canvas.

borderWidth: Controls the width of the player canvas borders (in pixels).

borderColor: Controls the color of the player canvas borders.

css: Allows you to add any custom css to the canvas (using the jquery css API).


The base_url section is responsible for loading images and templates. It allows the user to pick a base url from which to load all images and templates. It accepts either an object setting the base url for images and templates or a string that will be used for both images and templates:

// object notation
base_url: {
    image: "images",
    template: "templates/"

// string notation
base_url: "media/"


The redirect setting decides where to redirect the player at the end of the task. By default, the player simply refreshes the current page. This option is not used if the endTask hook is set.

redirect: '//'


This option is deprecated, please use onEnd instead.


A function to be called at the end of the task. For example, the following setting logs the task logs to the console.

API.addSettings(`onEnd`, function(){

Meta data

Meta data is data that should be returned with every request to the server. Any key value pair in the meta data is added to every post the player makes to the server. In order to create a post with three keys: json, session_id and task_id - you would write something like this:

metaData: {
    session_id: 9872356,
    task_id: '43BTW78'

(the json field is the field that holds the player data it is created automaticaly)


There are times when you want to preload images manually, without relying on minno-time to recognize all your media automatically. This can be if you are using complex html type media that include images, or if you are using templates to set images. In these cases there is a convenience setting that allows you to add your images to the preloading queue.

API.addSettings('preloadImages', ['img1.jpg', 'img2.jpg', 'img3.jpg']);
Last modified March 11, 2021: setup hugo (11980dc)