Getting started (researcher)

To get to know the system, we recommend you first duplicate a study from the bank of studies. After you log-in, click Studies, click on the dropdown menu that shows “Show all my studies” and select “Show bank studies”. You will see all the example studies in the system, and an “Actions” button next to each of thse studies. Decide which of those studies you want to duplicate (e.g., race.demo), click Actions->Duplicate study, set the name of the study (e.g., “example”), and click OK.

Now you see a list of the study files on the left. You can click those files to see the code of each file. You can modify the code, but don’t do that yet. Let’s first see you can run the study. For that, right click on the file ‘mgr.js’ and select “Make Experiment”. Set the name of the experiment (e.g., “example”). Now you can run the study. Right click the “mgr.js” file, select Experiment options -> Play this task. Run the whole study to learn how the typical study looks in MinnoPlayer.

Next, go to the files and try to change minor details, to see how they change the study. For instance, go to explicit.js, and change the text for some of the questions. Details on how our studies work can be found here.

After you update a file, sometimes you will not see the change in your study because the browser reads the study from the cache. You can clear the browser’s cache each time you run a study. Or, you can right click the “mgr.js” file, go to Experiment options -> Copy Launch URL. You can copy the link and paste it within an incognito Chrome browser window (use ctrl-shift-n to open an incognito window) or a private Firefox browser window (ctrl-shift-p). Or, you can right click on the HERE link and select “Open in incognito window” (Chrome) or “Open in Private window” (Firefox), to run the study directly in a browser window that does read files from the cache.

If you want to skip a task in the study, Esc+right arrow will skip to the next task. Within the IAT, Esc+Enter will skip a block.

After you run the study a couple of times, it is time to look at the data. In the same page (the one that shows you the study files), click on the three rows icon at the top left, to open the Study menu, and select Data. Have a look at the window that opens to learn about your options when downloading data. Then, without changing anything, click the “Download” button. Soon the data file will appear and you will be able to click the Download icon (below Actions) to download the data file. It will be a zip folder. Extract the files and open them to learn how the data look.

Last modified March 11, 2021: setup hugo (11980dc)