
How minno-quest stores data

miQuest keeps record of user responses using plain js objects. These objects are both kept locally and sent to the server.

Localy, the data logs are available as properties of the questions object in current:

current.questions = {
	questionName1 : {...}, // log object
	questionName2 : {...} // log object

Following are the properties of the logged object:

nameThe name of the question.
responseThe actual response for this question. This may be a string, a number or even an array.
declinedWhether or not the question was declined (if a question was declined, the response field will be undefined).
latencyThe time (from question presentation) to the last change of this response.
submitLatencyThe time (from question presentation) to the time this page was submitted.

The response for questionName1 can be accessed using current.questions.questionName1.response. You can use this data within templates or from within branches.

Last modified March 11, 2021: fixing actions? (2e5870a)