
Ranking questions allow your subjects to sort a list of values.

By default elements in the list are randomized. The response returned by this question is an array of numbers corresponding to the original - pre-randomized list. For example if you had a list ['a','b','c'] and it was sorted into['a','c','b'] then the response array will be [1,3,2] because the second and third element changed locations.

The syntax is fairly simple:

var quest = {
      type: 'rank', 
      stem: 'Please sort the follownig activities according to level of difficulty:',
      name: 'mart',
      correct: false,
      list: ['Cooking', 'Running', 'Dancing', 'Studying']
typeMust be set to 'rank'.
list(Array) An array values to be sorted (can be either strings or numbers).
required(true of false; default: false) Require the user to make a change from the original order (as defined in list).
correct(true of false; default: false) Require the user to order the list according to a preset value (as defined in correctValue
correctValue(Array) The order that the list should be organized for the correct validator. This value should be a list of numbers coresponding to the target order.
randomize(true of false; default: true) If false prevents the automatic randomization of the list order.

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Last modified March 11, 2021: setup hugo (11980dc)