
The grid question allows you to group multiple “multiple choice” questions into a single table. This is often useful when asking several likert type questions using the same scale.

The grid question itself keeps track of the sum of the row questions (excluding any questions that have non-number values).

columnsAn array of column descriptions. You can use a string here or a column object as described below.
rowsAn array of row descriptions. You can use a string here or a row object as described below.
shuffleWhether to randomize the order of the rows.
requiredRequire the user to respond to all rows (true or false).
columnStemCssCSS object for all the column stems.
columnStemHideHide the column stem row.
rowStemCssCSS object for the row stems.
rowStemHideHide the row stem column.
checkboxTypeCustomize the type of checbox we use. checkMark: the default check style. xMark: use an X instead of the check. colorMark: fill the checkbox with a dark background.
cellLabels(true or false) Wether to show the column label within the grid cells.


If you set a string instead of a column object it will be treated as if you set only the stem and all other values will be set by default.

stem(text) The description of this column.
valueThe value to set for this column. Defaults to the number of the column (starting from 1, so that the response for choosing the third column is 3).
noReverseWhen reversing row values, ignore this column (it will retain its normal value).
typeWhat type of interface should this column have.
cssCSS object for the whole column. This is the place that you can control the column width (using the width property).
stemCssCSS object for the column stem.

There are several column types at your disposal,

checkboxThe default is “checkbox”.
textDisplay text of you choice (use the textProperty property to set the row property that will be used as the text). For example {type: 'text', textProperty:'rightStem'} will use the rightStem property of each row as the text content.
dropdownDisplay a dropdown input. Use the answers property to set the options for the dropdown. For example {type:'text', answers: ['Male', 'Female']}. See the dropdown question for more answers options.
inputDisplay a text input. Note that users can input responses that may be confused with other responses (if a user inputs a 1 it may be confused with a selection of a checkbox in the first column).


If you set a string instead of a row object it will be treated as if you set only the stem and all other values will be set by default.

stem(text) The description of this column.
nameThe name you want this row to be called within the questions object. If this is not set the grid automatically sets it according to the grid name. So that if is “myGrid” then you’re first row will be called by default “myGrid001”.
reverseWhen calculating the default value for this row, should we reverse the order of columns (high to low and vise versa).
requiredRequire the user to respond to this row (this property is redundant if you’ve already set main questions required property to true).
overwriteAn array of column deffinitions to overwrite. Each element of the array overwrites the corresponding column column (so that the first element in the array overwrites the first column definitions and so on). If you do not want to overwrite a specific column, simply set it to false.

Here is a simple example of using a grid:

var grid = 	{
	type: 'grid',
	columns: ['Strongly agree' , 'agree' , 'don\'t know' , 'disagree' , 'Strongly disagree'],
	rows: ['I like grids', 'I like bananas too']

You can, of course have tighter control over the way things work:

var grid = 	{
	type: 'grid',
	columns: [
		'Strongly agree',
		'don\'t know',
		'Strongly disagree',
		{stem:'Decline to answer', value:'n/a', noReverse:true}
	rows: [
		{stem:'I like grids',name:'likeGrids'},
		// This questions scores will be reversed so that the sum of scores is meaningful 
		{stem:'I hate bananas', name:'likeBananas', reverse:true},

        // Allow only the extreme responses and declining to answer for this row only
		{stem:'Only extremes', name:'extremes', overwrite:[false, {type:'text'}, {type:'text'}, {type:'text'}, false, false]}

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Last modified March 11, 2021: setup hugo (11980dc)