
Presents a dropdown that the user can use to select a single response.

dropdown has the following parameters:

dfltThe default value for this question.
autoSubmit(true or false; default: false) If this property is set to true, selecting a response will submit the form.
randomize(true or false; default: false) Shuffle response options after mixing them (the mixer is activated regardless of this parameter, this serves as a shortcut)
reverse(true or false; default: false) Reverses the order of response options in this question. It is useful when you inherit a question and only wants to change the order of the response options. Or, if you want to have a between-participant condition that reverses the response scale for half of the participants.
numericValues(true or false; default: false) If numericValues is true, default numeric values are set for each answer, they are set before randomization, but after the mixer is activated.
answers(Array: []) The list of possible answers for this question. There are two acceptable formats; (1) an array of strings/numbers, (2) an array of objects with text, value and optionally group parameters. The group parameter will display the values divided into groups with the same name.
required(true or false; default: false) Validation: require a response.
correct(true or false; default: false) Validation: require the response to be correct (set the target value using correctValue)
correctValue(*) Set the correct response value for the correct validation.
errorMsg(Object: {}) This object has a property for each validation type. Setting the appropriate type changes the validation message. For instance setting the correct property will change the validation message for instances where the correct response was not given.
Last modified March 11, 2021: setup hugo (11980dc)