Running Project Implicit’s IAT on your own

Project Implicit has developed MinnoJS to program web studies. The main instrument that we use in Project Implicit is the Implicit Association Test (IAT). The IAT is a commonly used indirect measure of social cognition (read more about such measures here). If you reached this blog post, you probably know what the IAT is and you want to use it in your own study. In this blog post, I will explain how you can run a web study with an IAT and a questionnaire using MinnoJS. If you want to run other indirect measures of social cognition using MinnoJS, there are links to examples of non-IAT measures at the end of this post.


In short, you need to:

  1. Copy an example of a MinnoJS IAT study into your directory on a static web server. For example, you can create a github account for free and post your files on Github Pages.
  2. Create an OSF account.
  3. Create a DataPipe account in order to save your study data directly on the OSF.
  4. In the manager file (e.g., this, if you copied my example), replace the datapipe token (zpjKaPesdEOI) with your datapipe token.

A quick start

Start by just completing the first stage: copy the example to your own directory on a static website (e.g., under your Github Pages directory, or as a new directory on your personal website, if you have one). In a web browser, load the full URL to the file exampleiat.html on that directory. That’s it, you should be able to run the example study from start to end. Tip: You can download the whole example directory as a zip folder by pasting “" into the input box in this website. Then, upload all the files to your own Githab Pages directory.

Worked? Great, now read on to understand how to modify the study and save your data.


MinnoJS is a JavaScript framework for programming web studies. It supports questionnaires and reaction-time tasks. It is free to use, and it has a Google Forum that might help, if you have programming questions. For a simple IAT study, you do not need to know how to program MinnoJS studies, and you can probably do this on your own. You just need to copy one of our example studies, and insert your DataPipe token in the right place (see below), to allow saving the data in your OSF account.

If you want to hire someone to help you out, you can contact me at

Using DataPipe

DataPipe is a service that was developed to allow saving data directly into the OSF. There are some steps you need to follow in your OSF account and your DataPipe account, in order to create a token that MinnoJS can use to save your study data. DataPipe explains all of that. DataPipe will provide you a token that you are supposed to use in a JavaScript script in order to save the data directly on the OSF. We already wrote that JavaScript file, so all that we need from you is the token provided by DataPipe. You provide that token in the following line of code, in your mgr.js file:

init_data_pipe(API, 'zpjKaPesdEOI', 'csv'); // Replace zpjKaPesdEOI with your DataPipe token

IMPORTANT: When you set up your DataPipe project, make sure not to enable data validation or base64 data collection.

Project Implicit’s MinnoJS IAT extension

In the example, the raceiat.js file is the script that defines the IAT. That script uses a MinnoJS IAT extension script that I programmed for Project Implicit.

The script that we created for building IATs is an extension, implemented as a function that creates an IAT from a few arguments (i.e., parameters) that the researcher defines. You can read more about the basic idea of using extensions in Minno on this page.

IMPORTANT NOTE: to skip blocks when you’re testing the IAT, use the key combination: Esc, Enter.

How we define the IAT

In our example study, we define an IAT in the file raceiat.js:

define(['pipAPI','*/IAT/iat10.js'], function(APIConstructor, iatExtension){
    let API = new APIConstructor();
    let global = API.getGlobal();

    return iatExtension({
        category1 : {
            name : global.blackLabels, //Will appear in the data.
            title : {
                media : {word : global.blackLabels}, //Name of the category presented in the task.
                css : {color:'#31940F','font-size':'1.8em'}, //Style of the category title.
                height : 4 //Used to position the "Or" in the combined block.
            stimulusMedia : [ //Stimuli content as PIP's media objects
                {image: 'bm1_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'bm2_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'bm3_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'bf1_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'bf2_nc.jpg'},                 
                {image: 'bf3_nc.jpg'}     
            //Stimulus css (style)
            stimulusCss : {color:'#31940F','font-size':'2.3em'}
        category2 : {
            name : global.whiteLabels, //Will appear in the data.
            title : {
                media : {word : global.whiteLabels}, //Name of the category presented in the task.
                css : {color:'#31940F','font-size':'1.8em'}, //Style of the category title.
                height : 4 //Used to position the "Or" in the combined block.
            stimulusMedia : [ //Stimuli content as PIP's media objects
                {image: 'wm1_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'wm2_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'wm3_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'wf1_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'wf2_nc.jpg'},
                {image: 'wf3_nc.jpg'}
            //Stimulus css (style)
            stimulusCss : {color:'#31940F','font-size':'2.3em'}
        attribute1 : {
            name : 'Bad words',
            title : {
                media : {word : 'Bad words'},
                css : {color:'#0000FF','font-size':'1.8em'},
                height : 4 //Used to position the "Or" in the combined block.
            stimulusMedia : [ //Stimuli content as PIP's media objects
                {word: global.negWords[0]},
                {word: global.negWords[1]},
                {word: global.negWords[2]},
                {word: global.negWords[3]},
                {word: global.negWords[4]},
                {word: global.negWords[5]},
                {word: global.negWords[6]},
                {word: global.negWords[7]}
            //Stimulus css
            stimulusCss : {color:'#0000FF','font-size':'2.3em'}
        attribute2 : {
            name : 'Good words',
            title : {
                media : {word : 'Good words'},
                css : {color:'#0000FF','font-size':'1.8em'},
                height : 4 //Used to position the "Or" in the combined block.
            stimulusMedia : [ //Stimuli content as PIP's media objects
                {word: global.posWords[0]},
                {word: global.posWords[1]},
                {word: global.posWords[2]},
                {word: global.posWords[3]},
                {word: global.posWords[4]},
                {word: global.posWords[5]},
                {word: global.posWords[6]},
                {word: global.posWords[7]}
            //Stimulus css
            stimulusCss : {color:'#0000FF','font-size':'2.3em'}
        base_url : {//Where are your images at?
            image : global.baseURL
        isTouch : global.$isTouch

In the first line, we tell Minno where the full IAT script is:
define(['pipAPI','*/IAT/iat10.js'], function(APIConstructor, iatExtension){

At the beginning of that script, you can see all the possible arguments (i.e., parameters for the IAT). The arguments are provided in a JavaScript JSON object. If you don’t want to change the default value of an argument, you don’t need to include that argument in your own script. If you change even one parameter within a child object (i.e., within a property that is an object, such as the property category2), you must define the whole object in your own code (as we did with category1 and category2 in the example above). The only parameters that we changed in the example above are the categories, the attributes (labels and stimuli), the “isTouch” argument that defines whether this task currently runs on a touch-device, and the url for the folder that hosts the images.

Note that in the example, when we defined the stimulus words for the attribute categories, we used some code in order to get them (e.g., word: global.posWords[6]) from a previous step of this study. If you want to change the words, you can simply write them directly in that file. For example:

            stimulusMedia : [ 
                {word: 'Fantastic',
                {word: 'Great',
                {word: 'Positive',
                {word: 'Pleasant',
                {word: 'Nice'

In our example, we used a more complicated code for the attribute stimuli (e.g., word: global.posWords[6]) because we randomly select the attribute words from a larger pool of words, as recommended by Axt et al. (2021).

If you’re using photos, put them in your own directory and change your IAT script to search for images there: base_url: {image:’YOUR URL GOES HERE’}. If you’re using words rather than photos, you need to update the media object of the categories. For instance: {word: 'Tyrone'}.

If you want to update the attributes, see how the attributes are defined in the extension script and override them by defining your own attributes in your IAT script.

Although our IAT script supports touch devices, the IAT does not detect automatically whether the participant is using a touch device (e.g., mobile). Therefore, if you want your participants to run the IAT on a mobile device or a tablet, it might be best to create an IAT version specifically for those participants (in your script, set isTouch:true in the IAT parameters). This is not what we have done in the example study. Rather, in the example study, we use Minno’s internal detection at the beginning of the study, in the manager file in the following line:

{ type: 'isTouch' }, //Use Minno's internal touch detection mechanism.

Processing the IAT data

The data will be saved under your OSF project, based on the information you provided in the DataPipe website. There will be a separate file for each task in the study, for each participant. The participant is identifed by sessionId. The sessionId is a part of the file name and it is also saved on each row of each data file.

If you want an example how to analyze the data from the example study, you can download this R script.

Using Project Implicit’s IATs

We posted online, many of Project Implicit’s IATs. You can experience them in this study.

You can duplicate them to your own server, or just call them directly from your own study. That is, when you define the IAT in your manager file, you can use the full url of the IAT you want to use:

        iat: [{
            type: 'time',
            name: 'iat',
            scriptUrl: ''

A couple of notes about these IATs:

  • In the evaluative IATs, for each participant, we randomly choose eight positive and eight negative attribute words from a sets of 48 positive and 48 negativewords, based on Axt et al. (2021).
  • In the Sexuality IAT, for each participant, we randomly choose whether the Gay category would refer to women or men, or both. When you process the data, to know which IAT each participant completed, use the stimuli in the IAT data.

How to run the study

Probably, you will launch your study from a platform that is accessible to your participants (e.g., a Sona website, MTurk, Prolific). The relevant URL is the address of the html file. For example, the exampleiat.html in the example study. But, remember to provide the URL that shows the file, not its code. For example, is the URL for my example, whereas is the url to the code of that file.

At the end of the study, you might want to redirect your participants back to the platform. For example, this study redirects participants back to Prolific. The relevant code for the redirection is in the manager file:

            //At the end of the url, insert your Prolific study code
            type:'redirect', name:'redirecting', url: '' 

This code defines a task that redirects participant to the specified URL. That task is added to the end of the sequence in this line:
{inherit: 'redirect'}

How to test the study

You can use the launch URL for testing your study. As a reminder, the launch URL is the html file served under the URL that starts with, whereas the code itself can be see in the URL that starts with

IMPORTANT: Make sure to verify that the data are saved in your OSF project as you expect them and that you know how to analyze the data before you start running the study.

Not using github pages

In the example, we used github pages because anyone can create an account for free on that service. However, you have other options. For example, many students and faculty receive a directory for a personal website from their university. If you have a personal website, you probably have access to a directory that serves static pages. You can create a new sub-directory for your study, and use that for running your web studies.

Waiting for the data recording

Rarely, participants might complete the study before all the data are sent to the OSF server. This might happen if your study ends right after a long task with much data (e.g., the IAT), if your participants have a slow Internet connection, or if the OSF server is not easily accessible. To reduce the likelihood of such loss of data, you can use the “uploading” task. That task waits until the last batch of data has been sent to the server (the OSF), only then continues.

In our manager file, we first define the uploading task like this:

    //This task waits until the data are sent to the server.
    uploading: uploading_task({header: 'just a moment', body:'Please wait, sending data... '})

And we then insert that task to the study sequence right before showing the last page:

    {inherit: 'uploading'},
    {inherit: 'lastpage'},

In our example, we provided two arguments to the uploading_task: the text for the header of the page (appears at the top of the page) and the text for the body of the page (the main text shown to the participant). You can also add the following arguments: “title” will appear as text in the browser’s window or tab, “buttonText” will appear on a button. That button will appear disabled and will become enabled after the data are sent to the OSF. The participant will then need to press that button to continue to the next task (probably the end of the study). In our example, we did not include a buttonText, and therefore the task ends automatically and loads the next task, as soon as the OSF server informs the browser that it received the data.

Saving previous details (using URL parameters)

You might want to launch the study with some information about the session or the participant. For example, you might have obtained or created a participant ID in a previous part of the study, and you want the ID to appear in the IAT data on the OSF, in order to link that data with the data you collected about this participant in previous parts of the study. You can do that by adding the information to the launch URL as a URL parameter. For example, instead of using, you can use The value of the parameter that you added to the URL will be added to ALL the rows recorded from Minno (just like the sessionId created by Minno).

You can also use the value of the details you added to the URL in your own Minno code. To obtain those details, you can use the following code, at the beginning of the manager file:

//You can use the commented-out code to get parameters from the URL.
    const queryString =;
    const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(queryString);
    const pid = urlParams.get('pid');

In that code, we get the value of the parameter ‘pid’. We can use such code to pass that information forward, when redirecting from our Minnos study. That is, let’s say you want to redirect your participant to a different platform after they completed the IAT on Minno. You can add the information you obtained from the URL that launched Minno’s study to the URL that you use for redirecting participants from Minno to a different platform:

        //Replace with any URL you need to put at the end of your study, or just remove this task from the sequence below
        type:'redirect', name:'redirecting', url: ''+pid 

You can also use URL parameter to indicate to your Minno code the participant’s condition and then use that condition in Minno’s code.

Presenting a feedback to the participant

In Project Implicit, for eductional purpopses, at the end of many of our studies, participants see the common interpertation of their IAT result. In experiments in other settings (e.g., in the lab), I usually don’t do that. When we present feedback in Project Implicit’s website, we provide much context to the participant, to make sure they don’t think that the feedback is more than an educational tool. The IAT (like all the other “implicit measures”) is not accurate enough to provide a reliable estimate of attitudes for each participant. Therefore, I strongly recommend not to present feedback to your participants.

If really must present feedback, then you can use this example, which shows how to do that. The relevant code appears in the file lastpage.showresults.jst.

Running other web studies

MinnoJS can be used to run any study, not only IAT studies. Once you learn how to use it, you can use it to run your web studies for free.

In this example, you can see how to run a Single-Target IAT with personalized stimuli (created by the participants).

In this example, you can find code for running other indirect measures: The AMP, the Brief-IAT, the Single-Target IAT, the Evaluative Priming Task, and the Sorting paired features (SPF) task.

If you want a workshop on how to program studies with MinnoJS, such workshops do not exist. However, you can try contacting me at

Any questions?

If you have any questions, you can post questions in our MinnoJS Google Group, here.

Cite Us

You used MinnoJS platform, which is cited like this:

Zlotnick, E., Dzikiewicz, A. J., & Bar-Anan, Y. (2015). Minno.js (Version 0.3) [Computer software].

To cite our IAT script, cite this blog post:

Bar-Anan, Y. (2023, November 2nd). Free Web IAT [Blog post]. Retrieved from